Tuesday, December 05, 2006


A Letter From Lorinda

Dear Family and Friends,

I think it would be impossible for Tom and me to convey the blessings and hardships that have come our way this past year. Although the journey we have been on has had its ups and downs, it has taught my family and me so very much about being thankful for each and every day that we are given. On that note, I would like to share a little about what is happening currently in my battle to restored health.

The latest tests results were good. Although the battle is far from over, we are encouraged that things are heading in the right direction. My liver enzymes and tumor markers were almost normal and the doctors feel that there is currently ‘no active disease’. The tumors that show up on ultrasounds, x-rays, etc., have not grown and many have shrunk or have disappeared. However, as cancer is a tricky monster, it is imperative that I keep all the irons in the fire as far as the dedication to my treatment. I have to say that when I get good news it is tempting to act ‘normal’ and let up a little. One look at little Thomas though and the temptations to let up quickly dissipate.

Regarding little Thomas, he is doing wonderfully. He now weighs in at 20 lbs. 11 ounces. I think the preemie days are over. He now crawls wherever he wants to go and can pull himself up to standing. We are so proud and so blessed to call this little one our son. He is the visible evidence of God’s love and mercy. He is our little miracle.

I want to thank each and every one of you for walking this road with us. Although things are going well, our battle continues. God has been so good to us and has used so many of you to encourage us through prayer and support. We have received so many phone calls, visits, notes of encouragement, prayers it is difficult to think of ever being able to respond appropriately to all of those who have shared their time and love. Please know that Tom and I live each day with heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for your amazing support. We truly could not get through all of this either emotionally or financially with out all of you. Thank you so very much and please continue to remember us.

During this holiday season, I want to encourage each of you as well. Life goes so fast, even when our days are not cut short – time passes quickly. Each day is such a gift. Please live with this awareness, spending time and appreciating the ones you love. This IS the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it!

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy the reason for this precious season!

In His mercy,

Lorinda Stewart

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