Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Another Trip South Of The Border And Bryomixol

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A lot has happened since the last update. The following summary is an attempt at a condensed version of the whole story to bring you all up to date without having to read pages and pages.

Dr. Salvador Vargas - Lorinda made a trip to back to Tijuana in May. Through a chain of events she learned of a Dr. Salvador Vargas who has a tremendous track record of treating cancer. He uses several of the treatment protocols that she has already been doing but he uses them to compliment a regiment of very low “homeopathic” dose radiation and chemotherapy. By using B-17 Laetrile, for example, he has discovered that the amount of chemotherapy can be greatly reduced from what is customary in the United States thereby curbing the normal side effects that we all hear about, such as hair loss.

He felt it was extremely important to track down the exact source of this cancer first. After running several tests, the most comprehensive being a P.E.T. scan, they have determined with great certainty that the source of this is the little spot on her lung. That’s right, it turns out that this is lung cancer metastasized to the liver. To make absolutely sure that the lung was the source, they took a biopsy of the tumor and determined it was malignant. Dr. Vargas refers to the source as the “fountain”. By attacking it directly, the risk of cancer returning in the future is reduced. It is actually quite a relief to finally know the source for sure and to know that this cancer is confined to her lung and her liver. They even scanned her brain because, apparently, it is common for lung cancer to spread to the brain. Good news, no sign of anything there.

It is known that when taking a biopsy from the lung there is some risk that it could cause the lung to collapse. Well, shortly after the procedure, Lorinda became extremely short of breath. Sure enough, her lung had collapsed and she was having trouble breathing. While very scary and painful for her, they have been able to inflate her lung and get her breathing normally again. In retrospect, it was all worth it because now she knows the source of the cancer and they can more confidently attack it directly. We all found it very interesting to learn that if your lung gets punctured it will usually repair itself within about a week.

She went through her first rounds of chemo and radiation the last week in May. She is taking a break to allow her body to recover a little bit and will return to Tijuana in a few days for the direct treatment to the spot on her lung. They will be using a technique know as “radiofrequency ablation” (RFA) on her lung. This procedure allows them to focus this radio energy using a needle guided by a moving x-ray to destroy the tumor cells while minimizing negative effects to the surrounding healthy tissue. The first round made her very sick and she lost a lot of weight because the radiation was broadly applied to her digestive track. She is anticipating this next round to be a little easier and Dr. Vargas hopes to successfully turn off the “fountain” by using this procedure.

Dr. Ceasar Bertachinni and Bryomixol – Most of you are familiar with Dr. Bertachinni’s treatments as he is Lorinda’s main doctor and we have talked a lot about him. Though Dr. Vargas has an independent practice, as he examined the results of the tests that he ran, he commented that whatever Lorinda has been doing has probably saved her life and certainly the life of her baby. If you remember, the doctors here in the U.S. wanted her to have an abortion and then go through high dosages of chemo and radiation with the end result being that it might extend her life a few months. Not satisfied with that answer, Lorinda is very glad that she courageously decided to take the path less traveled and found Dr. Bertachinni. Dr. Vargas wants her to continue with Dr. Bertachini’s treatments in conjunction with his to increase her odds of a complete recovery even more.

Dr. Bertachinni has been working to perfect the formula of his product for many years. In doing so, this product that Lorinda has been on is now called “Bryomixol”. They have an excellent website that explains in detail all about it. You can also see a picture of Dr. Bertachinni and read his whole story there. Here is the link:


We don’t want to end this update without once again thanking all of you who have kept Lorinda in your prayers and contributed to her medical benefit fund. If it weren’t for you, she could not be following the course of action that she is and things could be a whole lot different right now. She has a long way to go in fighting this battle but is very encouraged by everything as it is progressing. Please don’t forget about her, she still needs your help.

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