Friday, January 13, 2006


Home From The Hospital

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Dear Friends and Family of Lorinda,

Lorinda got to go home from the hospital on Monday 1/9/06 and has been advised to mostly bed rest. She is very sore from the C-section ordeal but does manage to go see Thomas every day. The baby is doing very well over all after having to go through a successful blood transfusion yesterday. They want to keep him in the hospital for another 8 to 10 weeks.

Doctor Bertacchinni wants to see Lorinda at the hospital in El Salvador as soon as she can travel. This might be as early as next week. He wants to run several tests to determine her progress so a decision can be made regarding the direct injections of Enercel. Although this will be extremely difficult for Lorinda to leave her baby, the timing is going to work out perfectly. She will be able to make great strides in El Salvador while the baby is in such good hands.

The doctor feels that a lot of Lorinda’s pain is also coming from the gall bladder that could be eased by a direct injection. Now that the baby is born, Lorinda’s immune system is free to focus on the cancer. Her dosage of Enercel can now be increased, maybe even doubled. We will post another update as soon as we get news.

This next step is going to be a real challenge, both physically and financially, for her and Tom. As always, your prayers and financial support are greatly appreciated.

Her Brother

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