Friday, January 13, 2006


Home From The Hospital

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Dear Friends and Family of Lorinda,

Lorinda got to go home from the hospital on Monday 1/9/06 and has been advised to mostly bed rest. She is very sore from the C-section ordeal but does manage to go see Thomas every day. The baby is doing very well over all after having to go through a successful blood transfusion yesterday. They want to keep him in the hospital for another 8 to 10 weeks.

Doctor Bertacchinni wants to see Lorinda at the hospital in El Salvador as soon as she can travel. This might be as early as next week. He wants to run several tests to determine her progress so a decision can be made regarding the direct injections of Enercel. Although this will be extremely difficult for Lorinda to leave her baby, the timing is going to work out perfectly. She will be able to make great strides in El Salvador while the baby is in such good hands.

The doctor feels that a lot of Lorinda’s pain is also coming from the gall bladder that could be eased by a direct injection. Now that the baby is born, Lorinda’s immune system is free to focus on the cancer. Her dosage of Enercel can now be increased, maybe even doubled. We will post another update as soon as we get news.

This next step is going to be a real challenge, both physically and financially, for her and Tom. As always, your prayers and financial support are greatly appreciated.

Her Brother

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Baby Thomas Is Born

If you would like to be notified as news on Lorinda is posted, please send an Email to

Dear Friends and Family of Lorinda,

Though not expected until March, Baby Thomas was born yesterday! (1/4/06), 3lbs 1oz.

Lorinda’s family got together in Colorado for the holidays and on Sunday afternoon she began to experience what we now know was labor. She was only 28.5 weeks into her pregnancy and was having sharp liver pains from the cancer so we weren’t sure what to make of it. After she had about 10 contractions within an hour, she and Tom decided they better go to the hospital.

The Doctors decided to put Lorinda on an I.V. of Magnesium Sulfate to slow and hopefully stop the contractions because it was just too early. This bought a little time so they could give the baby some steroids to help its lungs and vascular system develop more quickly. Lorinda’s body wanted to have this baby! After 48 hours, they had to taper off the Magnesium Sulfate to prevent toxins from building up. The doctors felt it was best to let nature take its course and said it could be days to possibly a few weeks. Of course, the contractions immediately started up again.

There were some complications, being such a premature birth. In a very traumatic whirlwind, they rushed Lorinda to the operating room to do an emergency C-section delivery. She lost quite a bit of blood and for a little while, they thought a transfusion might be necessary. Though Baby Thomas is a little bruised up, both are in stable condition. We are very thankful to the Lord for keeping his hand on both mother and baby.

We believe the Lord is in complete control and it is truly amazing to watch his grace in action. Lorinda’s doctor said she has never seen a baby carried as low as Thomas. This has helped to relieve some of the pressure on her liver. Now that the baby is born, they can step up the cancer treatment with increased dosages of Enercel as well as some other applications that aren't possible while pregnant. If the baby had been born any earlier, he probably would not have made it and as long as she was carrying the little fella, it was preventing a more aggressive treatment of the cancer.

On the cancer front: Liver enzyme levels are somewhat of a reflection of her progress. Normal levels are between 20 and 38. Lorinda’s liver enzymes were reading 68 when she went to Tijuana a few weeks ago to start her treatment. When she returned they measured 43. Now, after being very diligent with the treatment protocol, they measure 38. She is far from out of the woods and it is absolutely critical that she stay focused, keeping a dead aim on this enemy that has invaded her body. She handles it with such grace that it makes it look easy, but when you really think about what she is going through, it is quite amazing.

Thanks to Lorinda’s friend, Tara, for being there yesterday with her camera. There is an excellent picture of the new Stewart family posted on the front page of this website. If you click on it, it will open up full size.

We want to continue to thank all of you who have kept her in your prayers as well as those of you who have contributed financially. I will just tell you, she could not be doing this without your support and it is greatly appreciated.

Her Brother

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