Friday, December 23, 2005


A Letter From Lorinda's Sister

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Dear Friends and Family of Lorinda,

Hello. I am Lorinda’s sister, Kimberly. I just returned from a visit with her in Colorado Springs a few days ago. I ‘d like to share with you just how she is doing and how she spends her days.

It’s hard to convey just how regimented and full Lorinda’s day is as she fights this disease all day long minute by minute. To look at her beautiful face and fit body, no one would ever guess the battle that is raging inside of her.

Lorinda starts her day with a healthy breakfast of alkaline foods such as papaya, sprouted Ezekiel bread, freshly- juiced green drinks and water treated with a quality coral calcium product. She must keep up with the green drinks every 2-3 hours. This is a cumbersome job since one must use so many vegetables to get such little juice. The whole process takes quite a while, as does the clean up of the machine parts between constant usage.

Lorinda makes sure she gets a minimum of 1-hour exercise each day. It’s preferable to get fresh air by walking up and down the steep streets of her neighbor hood. It’s usually too cold these days so either the stationary bike or maternity fitness video substitutes. It is absolutely crucial that her body gets this oxygen and blood-flow daily.

The protocol for Lorinda demands that hours and hours of her days are spent on “drips” via an IV through the portal near her collarbone. These treatments include Enercel, B-17, Ozone, Vitamin C and Hydrochloric acid. An incredibly strict diet of alkaline organic fresh foods is a vital part of her treatment. The logistics of this process is more complex than simply stated, as she organizes her meal plans, constructs a lengthy shopping list of these precise items and prepares her meals. The whole nutrition process is a job in itself as “healing foods” are a large part of the wellness plan for Lorinda. Recently “glyconutrients” have been an important addition to the battle plan along with the other vital supplements she has been taking.

One of the many challenges that Lorinda is facing continues to be the pain (liver) and nausea (from the detoxification process), especially at night. Pressure on her liver is increased greatly when she lies down, especially with a growing and kicking Baby Thomas! This discomfort, extreme at times, keeps her from getting much needed rest.

She has been averaging 2-6 hours a night of sleep, although not always quality, as it is cut up in bits and pieces. The weariness she fights from lack of quality sleep makes it even more challenging to keep up with her vital healing protocol. It would certainly be a full-time job for any of us, even if we were sleeping well and were not pregnant! Just in the last few days since the glyconutrients have been added, Lorinda has experienced much better nights with less pain! Hopefully this is a new pattern!

I am so impressed with Lorinda’s 24-hour courage, determination and grace under these extremely challenging circumstances. When asked, she attributes her strength to her faith in the Lord. The most important part of each day, even more important than this intense regimen, is the time she spends with the Lord and studying his word. This gives her a confidence and peace that can’t be expressed.

As for Baby Thomas, he is now 2.1 oz and 15 inches, according the ultrasound performed 12/15/2005. He appears to be a very healthy growing child! We are all looking forward to his arrival! This could be in as little as 2-3 months!

I can’t convey to you just how very touched Lorinda has been from the love and support of you, her dear family and friends. I have seen her eyes well up with tears, as mine have, at the many expressions of care and concern from all of you. Lorinda yearns to talk and share time with you so very much and looks forward to her recovery when time will allow. Meanwhile, please know how very much she loves each of you and appreciates beyond words all that you are doing for her and your commitment to her health being restored.

Lorinda’s message to you is as follows:
“I have been overwhelmed with the love and support from each of you, my family and friends! Your generosity, prayers and love have been such an inspiration to me that words cannot express. I cannot wait for the day when my health is restored and I am able to see and talk with you in person! Please know how very much you mean to me. I plan on regaining my full health and you have absolutely made the difference that makes this a possibility! I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! You are in my prayers as well!”

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