Friday, December 23, 2005


A Letter From Lorinda's Sister

If you would like to be notified as news on Lorinda is posted, please send an Email to

Dear Friends and Family of Lorinda,

Hello. I am Lorinda’s sister, Kimberly. I just returned from a visit with her in Colorado Springs a few days ago. I ‘d like to share with you just how she is doing and how she spends her days.

It’s hard to convey just how regimented and full Lorinda’s day is as she fights this disease all day long minute by minute. To look at her beautiful face and fit body, no one would ever guess the battle that is raging inside of her.

Lorinda starts her day with a healthy breakfast of alkaline foods such as papaya, sprouted Ezekiel bread, freshly- juiced green drinks and water treated with a quality coral calcium product. She must keep up with the green drinks every 2-3 hours. This is a cumbersome job since one must use so many vegetables to get such little juice. The whole process takes quite a while, as does the clean up of the machine parts between constant usage.

Lorinda makes sure she gets a minimum of 1-hour exercise each day. It’s preferable to get fresh air by walking up and down the steep streets of her neighbor hood. It’s usually too cold these days so either the stationary bike or maternity fitness video substitutes. It is absolutely crucial that her body gets this oxygen and blood-flow daily.

The protocol for Lorinda demands that hours and hours of her days are spent on “drips” via an IV through the portal near her collarbone. These treatments include Enercel, B-17, Ozone, Vitamin C and Hydrochloric acid. An incredibly strict diet of alkaline organic fresh foods is a vital part of her treatment. The logistics of this process is more complex than simply stated, as she organizes her meal plans, constructs a lengthy shopping list of these precise items and prepares her meals. The whole nutrition process is a job in itself as “healing foods” are a large part of the wellness plan for Lorinda. Recently “glyconutrients” have been an important addition to the battle plan along with the other vital supplements she has been taking.

One of the many challenges that Lorinda is facing continues to be the pain (liver) and nausea (from the detoxification process), especially at night. Pressure on her liver is increased greatly when she lies down, especially with a growing and kicking Baby Thomas! This discomfort, extreme at times, keeps her from getting much needed rest.

She has been averaging 2-6 hours a night of sleep, although not always quality, as it is cut up in bits and pieces. The weariness she fights from lack of quality sleep makes it even more challenging to keep up with her vital healing protocol. It would certainly be a full-time job for any of us, even if we were sleeping well and were not pregnant! Just in the last few days since the glyconutrients have been added, Lorinda has experienced much better nights with less pain! Hopefully this is a new pattern!

I am so impressed with Lorinda’s 24-hour courage, determination and grace under these extremely challenging circumstances. When asked, she attributes her strength to her faith in the Lord. The most important part of each day, even more important than this intense regimen, is the time she spends with the Lord and studying his word. This gives her a confidence and peace that can’t be expressed.

As for Baby Thomas, he is now 2.1 oz and 15 inches, according the ultrasound performed 12/15/2005. He appears to be a very healthy growing child! We are all looking forward to his arrival! This could be in as little as 2-3 months!

I can’t convey to you just how very touched Lorinda has been from the love and support of you, her dear family and friends. I have seen her eyes well up with tears, as mine have, at the many expressions of care and concern from all of you. Lorinda yearns to talk and share time with you so very much and looks forward to her recovery when time will allow. Meanwhile, please know how very much she loves each of you and appreciates beyond words all that you are doing for her and your commitment to her health being restored.

Lorinda’s message to you is as follows:
“I have been overwhelmed with the love and support from each of you, my family and friends! Your generosity, prayers and love have been such an inspiration to me that words cannot express. I cannot wait for the day when my health is restored and I am able to see and talk with you in person! Please know how very much you mean to me. I plan on regaining my full health and you have absolutely made the difference that makes this a possibility! I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! You are in my prayers as well!”

Friday, December 02, 2005


A Letter From Lorinda's Mother

If you would like to be notified as news on Lorinda is posted, please send an Email to

To the friends and family of Lorinda,

I am Linda Risse, Lorinda's mom and I returned from Mexico with Lorinda this week. I would like to share with you my trip to see and be with her as well as an update on her progress and treatments.

Upon arriving at the San Diego airport and getting my luggage, I looked around for someone that looked like they were there looking for me. I saw a young Mexican boy peeking his head in the door while also keeping an eye outside maybe on his parked vehicle. Thinking “Could this possibly be who I am supposed to get in a car with??” I didn't feel too confident. Well, that was a short-lived moment of confusion because as I looked around again, I spotted a well-dressed gentleman holding a sign with my name on it. I smiled and waved to him and a big smile came back to me. He introduced himself as Jesus pronounced "Haysoos", Dr. Bernardo's driver. Feeling confident now, I pointed out my luggage. He promptly helped me and we were on our way. Fortunately for me, he spoke very good English and was very informative about the area. It was about an hours drive or less to the hospital. There nurse Maggie and Dr. Alberto greeted me.

Maggie spoke English but Dr. Alberto, only a wee bit. They explained that Lorinda and her friend, Denise, were getting some fresh air and sunshine and would be back any moment. While waiting, we got acquainted. They found my confusion at the airport hilarious. Maggie would laugh as I told her about it and then translate to Dr. Alberto and he would then break into laughter.

While sitting in the kitchen visiting, all of a sudden rays of sunshine appeared. It was Lorinda and Denise's smiling faces! After hugs and greetings, we went to Lorinda's room, which reminded me of the way she had fixed up her room at college. It was warm and her touch was everywhere. She started preparing to resume her treatments; back to the reality she has been getting used to.

A normal day includes several hours of treatment in the a.m. connected to an IV, a break for fresh air and sunshine and then several hours of treatment again in the late afternoon/evening. Each day she is to have plenty of greens by way of juicing and salads. This is not only for nourishment, but also to continue working on her PH balance. Right now, it’s about 6.2 and the goal is to reach 7.0. She also takes a protein drink 2 or 3 times a day. The meals are supposed to be PH balanced. We learned a great deal regarding how important food combinations are.

There are many good books on these subjects; One, Dr. Bernardo gave her is called “Alkalize or Die” by Dr. Theodore A. Baroody. Another is called “The PH Miracle”. Each day it is recommended to check your PH balance using PH test strips. If this invasive disease could happen to Lorinda, it can happen to anyone. She is the picture of health: Exercises more than most and eats well above the average diet. Dr. Bernardo says that keeping an alkaline body is the key.

It was hard for me to believe the reason that I was in Mexico. As grateful as I am for this treatment and the doctors, it was as if it were not real. As I watched Lorinda day after day receive her treatments, I was amazed at her endurance and patience. I saw a very positive attitude expecting the best from each day and facing it with tremendous courage and faith. I saw a commitment level in her that says she will do whatever it takes to overcome this and be a healthy mommy. It was very uplifting to witness the faith she places in her Lord. You have only to be in her presence a little while to realize the source of the peace and calm assurance that she possesses. She has a “promise notebook” and each time the Lord reveals another promise of scripture to her, she writes it down.

Dr. Bernardo came to visit and when he walked in the door, he had a bouquet of flowers for her (in the picture on this web site). Once before, he had gone shopping and brought her a yellow robe to wear. He stayed and visited for a couple hours and then started his long journey back to his home in San Diego. I say a long journey even though it is less than a half hours drive, because to get through the lines to cross the border takes anywhere from one to three hours. With the holiday, he said it took him almost four to get across. It is always easy going into Mexico from the States but, since 9-11, the increased security makes it more difficult to get back.

Dr. Bernardo had ordered an ultrasound the week before so we walked down the street to that department to have it done. On the way, Lorinda said that I would get to see my little grandson, Baby Thomas, also. This was an exciting opportunity! I could see his little spine and body on the ultrasound. He is kicking all the time now and is a very active little boy. Mommy and baby got good reports that day; the tumors did not appear to be growing and little Thomas was perfect.

There are many “tumors” in Lorinda’s liver, but the two doctors feel that the smaller ones are harmless nodules related to a reaction from her pregnancy that may not be malignant because of their different color. The three larger ones; however, one being about 3” in diameter, are malignant. It was from one of these that the biopsy in the States was taken.

The doctors believe that this initial round of the treatment has arrested their growth. They said that the tumors would first change in consistency internally; then begin to shrink. The pregnancy causes the body to release certain hormones and chemicals to that actually support the tumor growth. So it is a race against time here. The question is: Can they keep the tumors from growing until the baby is born? They feel they can.

As the baby grows, there is more “crowding” on the liver from other organs. I witnessed many nights in the hospital where Lorinda found it hard to get sleep because of the pressure and pain. She says they have been less for the last few nights but she stays exhausted, often only getting a couple hours sleep.

After the birth of the baby, there will be more intensive treatments, increased dosages and possibly direct Enercel injections into the liver. There is a strong possibility that Dr. Bertacchinni will want to administer this in El Salvador. The injections are not possible now because the placenta is too close to her liver. Both doctors are dedicated to saving both the lives of mommy and baby.

Before leaving, Lorinda wanted to get small appreciation gifts for her nurses, Maggie and Marcy. Maggie has been such a wonderful nurse to her. Marcy actually worked in another department but had heard about Lorinda and came to get acquainted with her. She then visited her on a regular basis and was so excited to give Lorinda several little pieces of clothing that she knitted for Thomas (She is holding these up in the picture on the front page of this web site).

Well, this all called for a little shopping excursion. As I mentioned before, they like for Lorinda to get fresh air, sunshine and exercise. Usually, she would walk in the sunshine on the various streets close-by and then return to the hospital. Today, though, we took a 7 or 8 mile taxi cab ride into town. In spite of the many aggressive vendors on the streets, we found a particular little shop where Lorinda found the perfect gifts. She found a candleholder with an angel on it for Maggie, her “nurse angel”, and for Marcy, she found a frame, which would hold the picture of her with Marcy. We felt really good about the selections. Now, we were both getting very hungry so what to do? Well, in Mexico, they really have things that are good for you many places. We chose a papaya and cantaloupe salad.... two of the fruits that Dr. Bernardo recommends. It was delicious and just what was needed for the energy to get back.

As we were about to head back, Lorinda asked me if I had the address of the hospital. Well, “no”, I answered. She searched through her purse and announced that the card with the address was not there! I knew right away that she would have to be the one to figure out how to get back, I didn't have a clue.

All the Hospitals just say "Hospital"! But, being the navigator she is, and quite the discerner, she started figuring out what to do. The owner of the store we were in spoke English. He helped us figure the general direction and hailed a taxi for us. It was quite interesting to watch Lorinda try to overcome the language barrier with the taxi driver as she spotted landmarks and pointed the way to him. We finally made it within walking distance. Nurse Maggie was about to send someone to look for us when we arrived. We decided not to leave the hospital any more.

Dr. Bernardo was very reluctant to allow Lorinda to come home because of the self-discipline required to stay with this protocol. He says the treatment at home will need to be continued for a long period of time... possibly years. Lorinda was quick to assure him that she will continue with the same exact protocol as was done in the hospital, including the 8 hours a day of IV treatment. At least now, she will be at home. The doctor will monitor her blood work every two weeks and ultrasounds periodically to determine her progress.

Dr. Bernardo is adamant that if a person will just follow the given protocol and not deviate, all will go well. He said that too often people get back in their home environment and, feeling better, begin to compromise and resume old habits. He repeatedly said that this must not happen! As he hugged Lorinda good-bye, it was his last words to her. She gave him calm assurance that this would not be the case with her.

I have seen Lorinda excited about many things in life but I will never forget her excitement as we were preparing to come home. As she anticipated the flight, she mentioned that this is the longest she has ever been away from home.

For many of you who know and love Lorinda and also to those of you who are growing to know and love her through this web-site, I have a few words to say: First, thank you for the many prayers, phone calls, letters and cards. Thank you, also, for your financial help, from the bottom of our hearts. Your love and support are so heart-warming and give encouragement beyond words. You are, each one, so important to us. You bring tears of joy to our eyes and love to our hearts.

I’d like to share one example where the Lord made provision through one of you. This gentleman and his wife prefer to remain anonymous. We were preparing to come back home and the doctor had all the treatment materials ready to mail back. We were to meet with him at his home in San Diego on the way to the airport. Lorinda’s credit card did not have enough available credit left to pay for the needed medication and supplies. Well, just in time a phone call came in and the Lord had sent another angel of mercy. From someone Lorinda has not had the privilege of meeting yet, came a gift that enabled her pay for enough supplies to start on her home treatment. My nephew, in California, had shared Lorinda’s story with a friend of his from the gym. He said that he and his wife wanted to help. We don't know these wonderful people, but we thank God for them. They were truly there in the moment of need.

When Lorinda gets settled in with her daily routine, I am sure she will post a message describing her daily routine and a little something more of her progress. She has many pictures that I believe she will also be posting to the web site. Thank you all, again, for your prayers and loving support.

We suspect that the Lord has a service He is preparing Lorinda for. We feel that this is a test that will prove to be one of her greatest resources in the future. We believe He wants to use her in a way that would not have been possible unless she walked this long journey with Him.

We can only take confidence and assurance that God is in control; then, watch as Romans 8:28 unfolds in her life. She and Tom will soon be the proud parents of a healthy bouncing baby boy, thanks to the courage and unwavering faith of his sweet mother.

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