Saturday, November 05, 2005


Thomas' Photos

Dear Friends and Family,

Tom and I are leaving for my treatment program in the morning (Saturday, November 5, 2005). I'll be gone for approximately 3 weeks and Tom will return to the States on the 16th. We want to thank you all so very much for all your thoughts, prayers, and generosity that you've shown as we face this trial. It has been overwhelming and very touching, to say the least. God is in fact in control, however, and we find our greatest comfort when our eyes our on Him.

On a very exciting note, we would like to share with you our very first pictures of our little boy Thomas. As ultrasound pictures go, some are difficult to make out but others are quite obvious. We hope you enjoy these and want to thank you for your continued prayers and support. I'll be in touch soon! Love to you all.....

In His Grace,

Lorinda Stewart

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