Wednesday, November 16, 2005


A Letter From Lorinda's Employer's Wife

The following letter was posted on 11/16/05

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Dear family and friends of Lorinda and Tom,

I know that you are anxious to hear news about Lorinda just as were Ray (Lorinda’s employer) and I (wife of Ray and friend of Lorinda). Ever since we had heard that the tumors in Lorinda’s liver were cancerous, our hearts were so burdened for her and for the baby growing inside her.

I had contacted Linda ( Lorinda’s mother), soon after we heard the hard- to- believe news, about some information gathered over the years on alternative treatment for cancer, for I knew that Lorinda would not agree to any method of cure that might harm the baby.

Linda called me three days ago with lots of uplifting good news about and from Lorinda and asked that I put it in a letter to send to those who care, as, Linda is leaving for Tijuana, Mexico soon to be with Lorinda and to relieve Tom who needs to get back to work.

The decision to take the route of cure that Lorinda chose is a story in itself, but, as Linda stated, it was a day to day walk, letting the Lord guide and show the way. Lorinda is at a clinic in Mexico in the hands of two VERY qualified Doctors who are treating her and give her every encouragement that she and the baby will be fine. In the very brief conversations by cell phone (at $2 a minute) Linda said that Lorinda was happy with the clean, cheery accommodations, for her and Tom, the food was the most healthy and nutritious (all organic) possible and the Doctors and staff, professional and caring.

Dr. Bertakeenie (the top oncologist in the world who works with the Enercel product) has treated successfully for 16 years many pregnant women with cancer. Dr. Bernardo is an internist of over 50 years and his expertise lies in the field of alkalizing the body, oxygen therapy, nutrition, and in recent years, using Enercel with his patients.

The only downside of this alternative treatment is that it is not covered by insurance. I have not talked to the immediate family about what the total cost might be, but I do know that the three weeks at the clinic is $25,000 and the Enercel that was bought in the USA and taken with Lorinda to the clinic to be used there was $10,000. Linda said that they will have a better handle on the approximate costs soon.

For those of you who might like to donate money to help Lorinda and Tom pay for these costs, we are working out two more ways for your convenience and/or cost effectiveness. Rod (Lorinda’s brother) is setting up a way to donate by Paypal and Dana Franzen,( the accountant for whom Lorinda took incoming calls), is setting up a fund for those who would like a tax deduction..

Please keep Lorinda, Tom, Thomas, Jr. (yes, it’s a son) and all involved in your prayers. Our loving Father did not answer this family’s prayers for a baby and then to have cancer destroy their joy! Lorinda will have her son and her health, too!! Keep the faith.

Jane Teutsch

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