Friday, November 18, 2005


Details Of Lorinda's Experience In Mexico

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Lorinda called me, her brother, from Tijuana and shared some details of her experience so far. I'll type my notes below from our conversation to update you:

She said that when She and Tom arrived, it was a little scary because Mexico is so different from the U.S. and there was a bit of a language barrier. The hospital was very small and could have used a paint job. It is, however, clean and now that they are settled, she is very comfortable with everything. She said the nurses and the staff are so kind and a “huge blessing”, taking care of her every need. One of the first things they did, which was rather traumatic, was to install a “port” just below her collarbone to administer all the different I.V. treatments she is on. She spends 8 hours a day in her “treatment chair” on an I.V. and gets a little “stir crazy” sometimes, but she tries to stay focused on the Lord and it brings her peace.

The main treatment she went to Tijuana for is Enercel. The name was changed from "Hansi" to better reflect what it does, build "Energy" in the "Cells". Essentially, it strengthens the roots of the immune system so the body can destroy the cancer cells. Dr. Cesar Bertacchini is the world's foremost expert in the application of Enercel and he is treating Lorinda for the next several weeks. They are in Tijuana instead of El Salvador because of sensitive issues regarding her pregnancy. Some helpful and enlightening Enercel links are below: (World Health Advanced Technologies, Ltd. website)

We first heard of Enercel about 10 years ago from a friend who completely recovered from lung cancer by being treated with this method of alternative medicine. There are many impressive testimonies from people who have gone this route.

The other doctor who is treating her is Dr. Bernardo. He has a tremendous track record using alternative medicine for many years. He is treating Lorinda with Ozone (I.V.)(Apparently cancer cells hate oxygen and this sort of starves the cancer cells), shark cartilage, high doses of vitamin C, a Laetrile I.V. (Vitamin B-17 extracted from apricot seeds), Immu Plus and HCL Acid (rids the body of acidic toxins). She said he was really concentrating on raising her PH level (Alkalinity). Apparently, when she got there, it was in the low 5's and it needed to be at least 6.4. She eats lots of melons and papaya among other fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. She drinks about 8 cups of asparagus tea per day (it raises the PH very quickly and is a super immune system builder). The only 2 meats Dr. Bernardo will allow are lamb (because they feed on the roots of plants) and wild caught salmon. She says that now, after the first week, her alkaline level upon waking is 6.4. Dr. Bernardo says this is good but they should keep working on it to get it to 7.0.

I found a really good link that describes many of the treatments she is undergoing:

She says she loves both of her doctors and she says they "compliment each other very well". Dr. Bertacchini is very refined, professional and dressed immaculately. He is fluent in 4 languages: Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese. Unfortunately his English is very limited. She says he has very calm, confident, assuring eyes and pats her on the shoulder and says, "you are going to be just fine". He is in his late 60's and has 4 children around Lorinda's age. She says he comes in every morning and does several tests to monitor the baby and take readings on her toxicity level... Apparently, as the Enercel is destroying the cancer it releases toxins into the body. He tempers the dosage level so it doesn't get too high, too fast. Next week, Dr. Bertacchini is planning to do another ultrasound to measure the progress of the treatment so far and to evaluate the possibility of doing a direct injection into the tumors. This is very precise work and should he decide to do this, your prayers are requested.

Dr. Bernardo, also an older gentleman, speaks very good English. She says he is extremely intelligent, confident and experienced with a rather gruff sense of humor. For example, he said, "The only way you are going to die is if I shoot you myself" and curing her of the cancer is a "piece of cake". She says he is a "crazy genius" in a good way. He has helped many people (including some celebrities) overcome cancer and other severe illnesses through natural and alternative medicine. He doesn't think much of the U.S. medical system. Both doctors are very confident that this enemy will be defeated and both have some very impressive track records to back it up.

As most of you know, the downside of this alternative treatment is that it is very expensive and it is not covered by insurance. The Hospital in Tijuana charges $5,000 per week for her treatment and the Enercel plus Dr. Bertacchini's time for the next 3 weeks is costing $10,000. We don't yet know what the exact cost will be when she returns because we don't yet know the Enercel dosage the doctor will prescribe. We have estimated it however, based upon what others who have gone through the same treatment have said. 1 bottle of Enercel is $160 if you buy them 10 at a time. She will probably need at least 1 bottle per day and this could go on for a couple of years. Including the other supplements etc. that she is also taking, the cost will probably exceed $5,000 per month for some time.

We should have a better idea next week about how much longer she will need to stay in Mexico. She says she still has many questions but no doubts about the treatment protocol. She feels “OK” but has had “a few rough days” with trouble sleeping at night because of pain (from the Acidity) and nausea (from the detoxification). She says, “Even the nurses speak calmly and confidently of all the people who come down here who without question go on to live a whole and healthy life.” She says, “hormones for Thomas are PERFECT and he is kicking quite a bit. I listen to his heartbeat everyday and it is a consistent and strong 145 - 150, very normal for 22 weeks. He is very precious and nice to have with me.”

Thank you all for your prayers, contributions and efforts in spreading word about Lorinda. She needs all the help she can get and I’m looking forward to posting updates as we get more information.

Her Brother

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