Wednesday, November 14, 2007
It's Working!
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Over the past few months Lorinda has continued her battle to overcome the pain and nausea cycle. She is currently working with a doctor in order to decrease her dosage of the "Fentanyl" pain patch because of its crippling side effects. This has to be professionally monitored in a very gradual manner to prevent horrible withdrawal symptoms. The body builds a tolerance to this medication and continually needs more to alleviate the pain. Lorinda would be thrilled if she could just stay off of this medicine altogether but still desperately needs it due to the inflammation of her liver. This inflammation will continue and can even increase during the entire healing process. Fentanyl was chosen because it is one of the very few pain medications that is not processed by the liver.
We are all thrilled with recent blood tests showing tumor markers in the normal range, indicating the death of living cancer cells! So her approach is working!
Lorinda spends most of her time administering her natural treatments that have brought her this far in the battle. She has been able to put on a little weight since her gallbladder ordeal and continues with this goal every day. Although it is not nearly as damaging as traditional medicine, even the natural remedies have side effects of their own that are very uncomfortable.
Lorinda has been, and continues to be, amazing in her determination and courage. Her vision of victory is walking Thomas to the school bus and perhaps another little one in tow! She derives her daily strength from God and puts every ounce of the energy he gives her into restoring her health and making this vision a reality.
Thomas is now 22 months old and is growing up and out of the "baby" stage into a precious little boy that is extremely active and curious. He is so happy! Thomas laughs and chatters constantly, thinking he is saying real words. We know what he means too! He points at objects and looks at you for answers. He dances to music on commercials, radios and "Hokey Pokey Elmo"! Thomas loves his Mommy and Daddy! He's a tremendous blessing to them both and a great source of pride as well! Lorinda wants you all to know that she feels so blessed. Not only does she have a beautiful, healthy little boy, but a sweet and supportive husband. She also feels so grateful for her friends like you who pray for her and think of her every day.
Financial challenges continue to be a burden as absolutely none of Lorinda's alternative treatments that have brought her this far are covered by insurance! Even her traditional methods, such as the Fentanyl pain patch or Zofran for the nausea, are not covered. A family friend suggested that everyone who desires to contribute to Lorinda's medical fund make affordable yet consistent monthly contributions so that Lorinda's monthly needs can be met without increasing the debt even further. The thinking was that "many helping a little keeps a large burden from a few..."
There are a couple wonderful and generous friends that have alleviated part of this burden by obtaining particular alternative treatments for her! This has helped tremendously and we are so grateful for their generosity. Although this has made an amazing difference, the current debt remains over $15,000 and the monthly needs still total to approximately $2,500.
As many of you know, we have set up a tax-deductible way for our friends and family to contribute to Lorinda's ongoing medical requirements. On the home page of this website you will find the Paypal links for credit card donations as well as bank wiring information. We appreciate your prayerful consideration of such a contribution.
We will keep you posted in the coming months of Lorinda's progress. We fully expect Lorinda's health to be completely restored as she looks forward to life with her family. Thanks to all of you for your continued thoughts and prayers. Anything you can do will help more than you know.

Over the past few months Lorinda has continued her battle to overcome the pain and nausea cycle. She is currently working with a doctor in order to decrease her dosage of the "Fentanyl" pain patch because of its crippling side effects. This has to be professionally monitored in a very gradual manner to prevent horrible withdrawal symptoms. The body builds a tolerance to this medication and continually needs more to alleviate the pain. Lorinda would be thrilled if she could just stay off of this medicine altogether but still desperately needs it due to the inflammation of her liver. This inflammation will continue and can even increase during the entire healing process. Fentanyl was chosen because it is one of the very few pain medications that is not processed by the liver.
We are all thrilled with recent blood tests showing tumor markers in the normal range, indicating the death of living cancer cells! So her approach is working!
Lorinda spends most of her time administering her natural treatments that have brought her this far in the battle. She has been able to put on a little weight since her gallbladder ordeal and continues with this goal every day. Although it is not nearly as damaging as traditional medicine, even the natural remedies have side effects of their own that are very uncomfortable.
Lorinda has been, and continues to be, amazing in her determination and courage. Her vision of victory is walking Thomas to the school bus and perhaps another little one in tow! She derives her daily strength from God and puts every ounce of the energy he gives her into restoring her health and making this vision a reality.
Thomas is now 22 months old and is growing up and out of the "baby" stage into a precious little boy that is extremely active and curious. He is so happy! Thomas laughs and chatters constantly, thinking he is saying real words. We know what he means too! He points at objects and looks at you for answers. He dances to music on commercials, radios and "Hokey Pokey Elmo"! Thomas loves his Mommy and Daddy! He's a tremendous blessing to them both and a great source of pride as well! Lorinda wants you all to know that she feels so blessed. Not only does she have a beautiful, healthy little boy, but a sweet and supportive husband. She also feels so grateful for her friends like you who pray for her and think of her every day.
Financial challenges continue to be a burden as absolutely none of Lorinda's alternative treatments that have brought her this far are covered by insurance! Even her traditional methods, such as the Fentanyl pain patch or Zofran for the nausea, are not covered. A family friend suggested that everyone who desires to contribute to Lorinda's medical fund make affordable yet consistent monthly contributions so that Lorinda's monthly needs can be met without increasing the debt even further. The thinking was that "many helping a little keeps a large burden from a few..."
There are a couple wonderful and generous friends that have alleviated part of this burden by obtaining particular alternative treatments for her! This has helped tremendously and we are so grateful for their generosity. Although this has made an amazing difference, the current debt remains over $15,000 and the monthly needs still total to approximately $2,500.
As many of you know, we have set up a tax-deductible way for our friends and family to contribute to Lorinda's ongoing medical requirements. On the home page of this website you will find the Paypal links for credit card donations as well as bank wiring information. We appreciate your prayerful consideration of such a contribution.
We will keep you posted in the coming months of Lorinda's progress. We fully expect Lorinda's health to be completely restored as she looks forward to life with her family. Thanks to all of you for your continued thoughts and prayers. Anything you can do will help more than you know.