Thursday, June 07, 2007
The Journey Continues

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It has been a little while since you’ve heard from us and much has happened! We have appreciated your thoughts and prayers during these difficult past few weeks and months!
Lorinda has been recovering from a gallbladder surgery…….that never was! Although she has had to deal with all the side effects and discomfort of such a surgery, thankfully, her gallbladder did not end up having to be removed after all! This all started when Lorinda experienced severe pain with an intense gallbladder attack and was taken to the emergency room and then admitted to the hospital shortly after that.
While in surgery, the doctors discovered that the gallbladder was situated by her enlarged liver in a way that made it impossible to safely remove. At that time they also discovered that the gallbladder itself was actually healthy. Lorinda was finally able to handle the intense pain from gallstones by a natural dissolving method. Meanwhile, although the gallbladder wasn’t removed, the whole ordeal of such a major surgery set Lorinda back a couple months or more in her healing process. This situation also created more than a 10 pound weight loss at a time when weight gain is a crucial part of her recovery.
To date Lorinda has been able to recover about 3 pounds of what was lost and it continues to be an ongoing daily effort. She is currently struggling with a pain/nausea cycle that tends to be overwhelming much of the time. A pain patch medication called Fentanyl makes it possible for Lorinda to go through the day, yet has such incredible side effects that she yearns to be able to slowly decrease and eliminate the drug altogether. That is not yet possible. We have been greatly encouraged by the addition of a natural treatment called “Safinur”. In a nustshell, this natural alternative medicine disguises itself as a sugar and is readily accepted by the cancer cell. While these types of invasive cells love sugar and feed on it, the Safinur slips inside the cell before revealing it is not a sugar. Once inside the cell, Safinur begins to attack and destroy that which does not belong and permanently kills these cells. The nausea challenge Lorinda faces threatens the effects of Safinur as she must be able to keep this treatment down in order for it to work! The drug “Zofran” which is said to eliminate nausea, costs about $3,500/month without prescription coverage. We are currently working on a way to find any alternatives.
Meanwhile, little Thomas is “talking”, laughing and walking! Thomas took his very first steps on April 30th and by May 5th was strolling along effortlessly! He is at that adorable stage where he is curious about everything and is a full-time “job” until he finally goes to sleep! Thomas has a very happy, inquisitive and active disposition. He seems to have already developed quite a sense of humor! Thomas is a wonderful gift to us all. This little toddler knows how much he is loved and literally lights up when his Mommy and Daddy come into the room!
We are so very appreciative to all of our dear friends and relatives who have been with us through thick and thin. So many of you have never missed a day of including Lorinda in your prayers and we are eternally grateful to each of you for that. Please continue to remember Lorinda and know that we are relying on you for this. Your thoughts, ideas and kind words are treasured. We are also currently facing great financial concerns as we try to address Lorinda’s needs in order to restore her to full health. As you may already know, alternative medicine has been the only remedy working in a positive way for us to date…..none of which is covered by insurance! Her insurance also excludes prescription drugs like Zofran and Fentanyl, which currently are a necessity. Any ideas you have regarding fund-raising would be greatly welcomed as well!
We will keep you posted in the upcoming weeks of Lorinda’s challenges, goals and progress! Thank you so very much for your kindness and please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers!
Lorinda’s Family