Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Lorinda Gets A Checkup And Thomas Has A Minor Surgery

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Lorinda recently made a trip to California to meet with Dr. Bertachinni and there is good news! Apparently, several of the tumors no longer have blood flowing through them. This means they are dying and is very encouraging that Lorinda is making progress in the right direction. Her enzymes are still a little high but Dr. Bertachinni feels that this simply reveals that there is traumatic activity in the liver and is not worried. The tests indicate her tumor marker (CA19-9) is greatly reduced. It was 121 and is now down to 76. To give you a perspective, normal readings are 0-40 while 400-500 would be readings you would find in a very advanced tumor. Dr. Bertachinni's treatments are working and Lorinda is very grateful to have found him.
Lorinda is still in a great deal of pain. Dr. Bertachinni believes that the pain is because an enlarged liver puts pressure on the membrane surrounding it. Apparently, the liver it’s self doesn’t actually send pain signals to the brain. She tried an anti-inflammatory steroid to reduce the swelling and hopefully ease a little of the pain. Though it did seem to help, we are afraid that the steroid might encourage the tumors so she is waiting for this to be verified before taking them regularly.
Thomas (a.k.a. “Mr. Short” as is evidenced by the picture) has just successfully undergone a bilateral inguinal hernia surgery and is recovering well. This was a fairly minor surgery related to his premature birth and is nothing to worry about. He is now 9 lbs. 2 ounces and very healthy!
Lorinda wants to really extend her thanks to all of you who keep her in your prayers and to those of you who have donated financially to help her to win this fight. There are people recently who have made anonymous donations. Thank You! Your generosity could not have had better timing. Just when Tom and Lorinda needed to place another order and realized that there was not enough money in the fund to cover it, one of your gracious donations came in at just the right time. It is very much appreciated.