Wednesday, March 15, 2006
A Letter From Lorinda

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Dear Family and Friends,
This past month has been quite a whirlwind with many blessings to be thankful for. First of all, however, we want to apologize for our delay in getting out an update. Your love and support has meant so much to us and we are anxious to share how God is working in our lives, oftentimes, through all of you.
El Salvador was quite an adventure. It was a much more modernized place than I had anticipated. We enjoyed the area quite a bit. Our days were full and it sure was nice to be in a warm climate. The treatments I underwent were very successful in that the tumors in my liver are showing signs of progress. Although I still have quite a ways to go and am by no means out of the woods, everything seems to be heading in the right direction and showing signs of shrinkage. During this detoxification process, however, I experience quite a bit of nausea as the bad cells leave my body and it tends to make me feel extremely sluggish. But knowing the purpose these feelings serve, I am thankful. Dr. Bertachinni is confident that I am heading in the right direction but emphasizes that I must not take the iron from the fire or let up for one minute. The bad cells that are in my body are very smart and I must press on until I am completely restored to health. Please pray for my strength to do so.
As you all have witnessed through this journey God has allowed me to travel, He is a good and loving God who gives us the strength minute by minute to endure and see His provision. When Tom and I found out we were going to have a baby last July we had no idea of the cancer that was growing inside of me. This discovery in October was obviously a tremendous shock and very difficult to hear. However, as all of you now know, God allowed baby Thomas to not only be conceived during such a time, but to endure this hardship with me and to come into this world. He truly is our little miracle! When I returned home from El Salvador on Feb. 15th, Tom and I thought we still had 3 or 4 weeks before Thomas would come home from the nursery. Much to our surprise, however, the wonderful and caring staff at Penrose Hospital told us that he was strong and healthy enough to come home earlier than anticipated. Little Thomas officially joined our household on Feb 21st! He is such a blessing and has turned our world upside down in a very good way! Although he is still on oxygen as his little lungs continue to develop, he is establishing a nice routine and is all we could ever hope for. He now weighs in at 6lbs. and 6 ounces and is 21 ½ inches long! We are so proud!
Needless to say, our days are very full. Combining the round the clock care of little Thomas and the full time job of my treatments is a bit overwhelming to say the least. We have so much to be thankful for though that it is hard to even try to put it into words. When I look back on the various stages of this journey it is so easy to see God’s constant care and provision. It is comforting then to know that He is in every step of the future with us too! He is faithful!
Tom and I have often discussed our overwhelming gratitude to all of you who have cared, prayed, and contributed so much. Again, putting such feelings into words is impossible. It is very humbling to have so many of you think about us so much. We only hope each and every one of you knows that we are thankful and we look forward to the day when it will be our turn to bless someone in such a way. Thank you for your prayers more than anything. You have no idea how comforting it is to know how many are praying for me and my family. Thank you also for your continued support as well. Our biggest issue continues to be financial as treatments are very expensive. Even though the financial aspect is a bit nerve-wracking, we know that God knows our needs and will see fit to make provision. We are resting in that. If any of you have any thoughts or ideas regarding fund raising we would very much appreciate your input.
With heartfelt gratitude and in His grace,
Tom, Lorinda and Thomas
P.S. I want to share special thanks with all of you for my husband Tom. God has brought us together in ways I didn’t know possible. He is my rock and my best friend. I am truly blessed to have him by my side and thought it important to say so.